[Guide]Linkmerenda #4 - Juice it up


Mar 15, 2020
Reaction score
Today i have found two new links, the first one will be fast and easy, the other one takes some time, but i guess that one is for that reason more valuable.

And for those who missed my other linkmerendas, here you go:

So without further ado, the first one:

DR 82 / DA 71 / PA 35
Profile Link / D0F0LL0W / indexable

Surname = url appendix

1. Sign up
2. Insert Link
3. Index ;)

Url will look something like this: https://gitlab.fib.upc.edu/xxx (xxx = choosen surname)

And now to the second one.
This one took me quite some time, so have phun ;)

DR 85 / DA 79 / PA 35
D0F0LL0W / contextual / indexable

D0F0LL0W embedded in Js, Url Inspector shows only noopener/noreferrer
Url to sign up: https://www.instructure.com/try-canvas

1. Sign up as "Free for Teacher" and connect your profile with "Commons" (on the left side above help)
2. go to Courses, All courses and click on "+ Course"
3. Then add a Page with you input and link
4. go back to all pages, click on the three dots and turn this page into homepage
5. go to home and click on the right side on "choose home page" and choose your created page
6. publish your course
7. click on the left side on settings
8. click on "share to commons"
9. insert title, description, tags and an image (you can choose from free ones)
10. index :)

Your Url looks something like this: https://lor.instructure.com/resources/XXX

have a sunny day, cheers :)
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